Detailed information on Delaware Uniform Commercial Code is available by selecting one of the four categories that best suits your needs. For a detailed listing of UCC filing requirements, see Delaware’s Uniform Commercial Code Administrative Rules.


UCC Form Information

The Delaware Secretary of State will accept a UCC financing statement on any prescribed IACA form; and on any other written form so long as the contents of that financing statement is sufficient, that is, the name and address of the debtor; the name and address of the secured party, or a representative of the secured party; a collateral statement.


UCC Paper Filing Change

Effective December 1, 2015, the Delaware Division of Corporations requires that all Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings be submitted to the Division electronically. The filing office no longer accepts paper UCC filings submitted directly to the State via mail, courier or fax. Electronic UCC filings may be submitted directly to the Division via the State’s e-UCC web application or through a variety of UCC XML submitters. Paper filings may be submitted through an Authorized UCC Filer who will submit the filing electronically to the Division. Delaware is providing to you a list of Authorized UCC Filers within the State who will continue the reputation Delaware strives to maintain. The Service Companies on the list of Authorized UCC Filers have had a long-standing relationship with the State of Delaware and have been approved by the Delaware Division of Corporations in the submission of UCC filings.


UCC Indexing Changes

Effective September 8, 2015, there will be minor changes in indexing practices relating to the roles of Secured Party through UCC3 Assignment filings in the Delaware Division of Corporations’ new computer system. As a result, a Secured Party Full or Partial Assignment filing, whether changed or new, will be reflected on a UCC Search listing as “Added”. A search listing will not show Secured Party as “Removed”. This change aligns the indexing results to be more in keeping with Article 9-511(c) of the Delaware Uniform Commercial Code.

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