You can check the status of an entity online.  There are two options of online status available, status ($10) or status with tax & history information ($20). Please note: requesting an online status will NOT generate an official certificate of good standing.

If you are requesting the $10 status option, it will return a screen displaying the current status of the entity you requested which can be printed as a function of your internet browser.  Additionally, you can choose to email the status result.

If you are requesting the $20 status option, it will NOT return actual images of the documents on record. The application will return a page listing the status, the last 5 filings, franchise tax assessment, total authorized shares (if applicable), and tax due.  Officer and Director names and addresses are maintained on the images of the annual reports and are not available through this application. If you require a copy of an annual report filing, please submit your request to us by using the Document Filing and Certificate Request Service.   NOTE: Alternative entities (Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, and General Partnerships) do not currently file annual reports.  Annual reports are required for domestic and foreign corporations only.

If you require an official certificate of good standing please submit your request to us by using the Document Filing and Certificate Request Service. All requests are sent out first class mail unless you provide a Federal Express or UPS account number on your request.  You may mail the request in with a check to: Division of Corporations – 401 Federal Street – Suite 4 – Dover, DE 19901. You may contact our Information Center at (302) 739-3073 for information on expedited fees.






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