Effective December 1, 2015, the Delaware Division requires that all Uniform Commerical Code (UCC) filings be submitted to the Division electronically. The filing office no longer accepts paper UCC filings submitted directly to the State via mail, courier or fax. Electronic UCC filings may be submitted directly to the Division via the State’s e-UCC web application or through a variety of UCC XML submitters. Paper filings may be submitted through an Authorized UCC Filer who will submit the filing electronically to the Division.

Delaware is providing to you the below list of Authorized UCC Filers within the State who will continue the reputation Delaware strives to maintain. These Service Companies have had a long-standing relationship with the State of Delaware and have been approved by the Delaware Division of Corporations in the submission of UCC filings.

Delaware Authorized Filers

1013 Centre Road, Suite 403-A
Wilmington, DE 19805

Phone: (800) 421-2661
Fax: (302) 421-5753

Email: info@ailcorp.com

Website: www.ailcorp.com

1201 N. Market Street, Suite 2300
Wilmington, DE 19081

Phone: (302) 421-6890
Fax: (302) 241-5866

108 Lakeland Ave
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (800) 316-6660
Fax: (800) 989-4671

Email: delawarecorp@capitolservices.com

Website: www.capitolservices.com

850 New Burton Road, Suite 201
Dover, DE 19904

Phone: (800) 483-1140
Fax: (800) 253-5177

Email: desearch@cogencyglobal.com

Website: www.cogencyglobal.com

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

Phone: (302) 636-5440 / (800) 877-4224
Fax: (302) 636-5454

Email: csrcontact@cscglobal.com

Website: www.corporate.com

614 N DuPont Hwy
Suite 210
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (855)736-3466 / (302) 736-3466
Fax: (302) 674-3415

Email: orders@Corp1.com

Website: www.corp1.com

838 Walker Rd
Suite 21-2
Dover, De 19904

Phone: (800) 482-1497  Fax: (888)211-5624

Email: orders@corp2000.com

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

Phone: (302) 636-5440 / (800) 877-4224  Fax: (302) 636-5454

Email: csrcontact@cscglobal.com

Website: www.corporate.com

605 Geddes Street
Wilmington, DE 19805

Phone: (800) 546-8607 / (302) 798-6015 Fax: (302) 798-6020

Email: info@ready2inc.com

Website: www.ready2inc.com

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

Phone: (302) 636-5400
or (800) 927-9800 Fax: (302) 636-5454

Website: www.cscglobal.com

1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Phone: (302) 658-7581

Website: ct.wolterskluwer.com

1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Phone: (302) 658-7581

Website: www.ctadvantage.com

3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 700
Wilmington, DE 19808-6192

Phone: (800) 423-2993 / (302) 996-5819
Fax: (302) 996-5818 / (800) 423-0423

Email: support@dbiglobal.com

Website: www.delawarebusinessincorporators.com

919 N. Market Ste. 725
Wilmington, DE 19801

Phone: (800) 426-2327

Email: dcs@lawdeb.com

Website: www.dcsdelaware.com

1201 N. Market St., 18th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801

Phone: (302) 351-9320
Fax: (302) 425-4699

Email: apoppiti@mnat.com

1013 Centre Road
Suite 403S
Wilmington, DE 19805

Phone: (302) 427-6970
Fax: (302) 421-5753

Email: mpowell@inclegal.com

Website: www.inclegal.com

1111B South Governors Ave.
Dover, DE 19904

Phone: (302) 736-1777 / (888) 736-6398
Fax: (302) 736-9883

Email: smiles@parcelsinc.com

Website: www.parcelsinc.com

3500 South DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (800) 346-4646 / (302) 531-0855
Fax: (302) 531-3150

Email: info@incserv.com

Website: www.incserv.com

300 Creek View Road
Suite 209
Newark, DE  19711

Phone: (302) 737-6260
Fax:  (302) 737-6261

Email:  kch@theincorporators.com

1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Phone: (800) 490-6724/(302) 674-4089
Fax: (302-674-5266

Email: info@nraiservices.com

Website: nrai.com

2140 South DuPont Highway
Camden, DE 19934

Phone: (302) 697-4590
Fax: (302) 597-4597

Email: deorders@parasec.com

Website: www.parasec.com

555 E. Loockerman Street
Suite 120
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (800) 263-1553
Fax: (800) 263-1558

Email: orders@platinumfilings.com

Website: www.platinumfilings.com

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808

Phone: (302) 636-5400 / (800) 927-9800
Fax: (302) 636-5454

Email: csrcontact@cscglobal.com

Website: www.cscglobal.com

838 Walker Road
Suite 21-2
Dover, DE 19904

Phone: (888) 716-7274
Fax: (888) 717-7274

Email: de@rasi.com

Website: www.rasi.com

800 North State Street
Suite 304
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (302) 734-8300
Fax: (302) 734-8961

Email: dover@taqinc.com

800 North State Street
Suite 304
Dover, DE 19901

Phone: (800) 899-8648
Fax: (914) 949-9618

Email: ucc@unitedcorporate.com

1521 Concord Pike
Suite 201
Wilmington, DE 19803

Phone: (800) 455-8314 / (302) 477-0500
Fax: (302) 477-0511

Email: sales@worldwideinc.net

Website: www.worldwideinc.net

Rodney Square
1000 North King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Phone: (302) 571-6600
Fax: (302) 571-1253





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