You may request General Information from the Division of Corporations website. All written requests that are submitted to the Division of Corporations for completion must meet the following requirements:
Filing Requests
- All requests must be submitted with a cover memo that has the name and address of the person/firm submitting the request. To ensure your request is processed quickly and efficiently, we strongly recommend using our Document Filing and Certificate Request Service to electronically submit your filing. This process will create the cover memo using information entered. If you wish to mail your document to our office, we suggest utilizing our Filing cover memo. We require a complete mailing address along with a phone number, fax number and/or e-mail address of the contact person. If submitting the request using the Document Filing and Certificate Request Service, the system will create the filing cover memo using information entered at the time of the upload.
- All documents must be submitted on 8.5″by 11″ paper.
- Documents should have margins of 1″ on the sides, 2″ at the top and 1.5″ at the bottom.
- Documents should be typed using black ink. The execution should also be in black ink. The Division of Corporations uses an electronic imaging system, therefore all documents must be legible.
- Prior to submitting a document that appoints a Registered Agent, the submitter must contact the Registered Agent to verify they agree to act on behalf of the entity.
- Payment must be received at the time of filing.
Certification and Copy Requests
- All requests must be submitted with a cover memo that has the name and address of the person/firm submitting the request. To ensure your request is processed quickly and efficiently, we strongly recommend utilizing our Document Filing and Certificate Request Service. If you wish to mail your request to our office, we suggest utilizing our Certification Request Memo or your corporate letter head. We require a complete mailing address along with a phone number, fax number and/or e-mail address of the contact person. If submitting the request using Document Filing and Certificate Request Service, the system will create the cover memo using information entered at the time of the upload.
- Clearly state the type of documents/information you are requesting, including any dates if you are requesting a specific filing. If needed, you may enter additional information in the comments section.
- Apostille and gold seal requests must state the country in which the document is being prepared for.
- Payment must accompany your request. No request will be processed until full payment is received.

- CREDIT CARD – The Division of Corporations accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. If you are paying with credit card, you must utilize the Document Filing and Certificate Request Service. We will not accept credit cards for mail or walk-in orders. Please Note: The fees required for the request will not be charged to the credit card/ACH account upon submission. When the order is processed, the charges will be applied. An invoice will be sent with the completed request.
- CHECK – Checks must be made payable to the “Delaware Secretary of State”. The check must be drawn on an U.S. Bank in U.S. funds.
Mailing Address for Written Requests
Division of Corporations
John G. Townsend Building
401 Federal Street
Suite 4
Dover, DE 19901
Please be sure to include all filing fees, including expedited service fees (if requested). If you are unsure of the fees please call General Information at (302) 739-3073.
Related Topics: corporation, Division of Corporations, request, requests, Secretary of State